Console Commands

Important commands :
rate 25000
cl_rate 25000
fps_max "101"
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_rate "25000"

For top Player Counter Strike 1.6 configs and profile.

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Very Use Full Commands

adjust_crosshair - changes the color of your crosshair

Bind "e" stopsound - this great for stopping sounds in the game so you can hear foot steps

bind "F5" "say Xxxx xxx xx"

bind "F5" "say_team Xxxx xxx xx"

brightness 1.0 - very importing to help see in dark places

cl_himodels 0 - to reduce resolution of models for higher frame rates (fps)

cl_righthand 1 - puts your gun on right of left side

cl_showfps 1 - to show fps

cl_updaterate 20 - this is a server ping command

drawradar - show radar

fps_max 100 -to set frames per second

gamma 4.5 - raise to see in dark place

gl_spriteblend 0 - imp zoom x-hair

hideradar - hide radar

hud_centerid 1 -centers player names

hud_fastswitch 1 - for fast weapon switching

m_filter 1 -for mouse averaging (smoothing)

net_graph 3 - shows performance graphs

pushlatency -1000 - this is a server communication command

r_decals 128 - this is how many bullet marks and such that will remain on map

s_automax_distance 50 - set max sound distance (very useful for hearing)
sensitivity 2.5 -to set mouse sensitivity (accuracy and precision)

setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1" - graphical buy menu

setinfo "vgui_menus" "1" - graphical buy menu

status - gives player's WON id's

suitvolume 1.2 - volume of HEV suit

unbind - used to unbind a key

voice_maxgain 5 - max voice gain

voice_overdrive - to dampen sound

voice_scale 1 - sets volume of voice

zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2

cl_bob 0.0 - makes your gun not bob up and down

cl_bobcycle 0.0

cl_bobup 0.0

custom.hpk - spray file, delete this file regularly

Record test - to record a demo of some one

playdemo test - to play the demo

stop -to stop the demo

test.dem - this is the file that contains the demo.
Launch commands:
-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -w 640 -h 480 -freq 75 -nojoy -full -heapsize 1048576

graphic card settings by carn 


First thing to do : remove mouseaccel
Accel has an impact on muscle memory..if you leave the game for ..say a may not be able to quickly get used to the game makes your play inconsistent tbh..i played with accel for 5 years..still after removing it..i feel much better..the only reason i dont play flash games like missionred or aim400 kg is that mouse sensi is a bit different ingame in comparison to it damages mm..


  1. Anonymous said...:

    i really like it.
    thank you buddy

  1. sid said...:

    help plz... spam spot is invisible when i spray it on the walls. any command?

  1. Anonymous said...:

    that will be on server side control to hide or to show @sid

  1. Anonymous said...:

    you use recoil script?

  1. sid said...:

    nope Anonymous(name plz)!!! spam spots is useful for me becoz how am i controlling my recoil...

    even when i play with bots spam spots are invisible :(

  1. Anonymous said...:

    it will be visible till few seconds so we can trace them control recoil
    by :Sam

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hi how can we use third person shooter in cs 1.6

  1. Unknown said...:

    i want better side,forward and front speed please tell me tht commands, and i want my cross hair always remain small not expand when i open fire of ak47, clarien or m4a1..

  1. Anonymous said...:

    cl_crosshair_size "small"
    cl_forwardspeed 400
    cl_sidespeed 400
    cl_backspeed 400

  1. Unknown said...:

    cl_crosshair_size "2"
    cl_forwardspeed 999
    cl_sidespeed 999
    cl_backspeed 999

  1. Anonymous said...:

    It really works

  1. Anonymous said...:

    It really works

  1. Anonymous said...:

    it's very help
    full for us

  1. Unknown said...:

    please can you tell me how can I create a conter strike server, i wanna play with a friend and i don't know how can i make the server so when i tipe ,,hs/all,, showing how many hed shots the players have (this is not a cheat code ! ! ) I've played on other servers and saw this :) if you know please tell me have a nice day bye :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Sharky from hlds you can make home made svs it would be there in your cs file's

  1. Unknown said...:

    where we can put these commands. Because i am new in C strike 1.6

  1. Unknown said...:

    i think you should try cl_dynamiccrosshair 1... not sure but try. :D

  1. Unknown said...:

    can ny1 tel me abt importnce of autoweapon switching mode...becoz yes angle matters ;)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    How to reduce ping in cs...
    without changing net plan..
    m using 1000/-month bsnl..
    it gives higher ping..
    pls tell me..

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike\.config

  1. gsingh said...:

    I am facing a problem where i can only fire with left click if i press CTRL key along with it.
    Firing is very erratic otherwise.
    If i set controls to fire with right click, it works, but hardly an acceptable workaround.
    Any suggestions on how to fix this?
    Reinstall didnt work :/

  1. Unknown said...:

    Parfect bullet spot commands

  1. Unknown said...:

    Yesterday I was banned and since than I can't move my mouse left and right. I tried with gl_async 1 and m_ rawinput but it doesn't work. Please help.

  1. Unknown said...:

    is it possible to give seperate key for flashbang grenade as by default they all come in same key/...?????/
    let me know about this...
    i need it

  1. Unknown said...:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  1. Unknown said...:


  1. Unknown said...:


    Er det en måte jeg kan endre oppløsningen til 1080? min er nå slått på på den laveste og får ikke endret denne i option:(

  1. Anonymous said...:

    how do I can Hide the cross apperaing in the head of every console

  1. Unknown said...:

    plZz contact me

  1. Unknown said...:

    guys plssss tell me a good command to shoot long distance in cs 1.6

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Where to find this console?

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